Non-Latin scripts From metal to digital type
This book arose from the invitation to mount a substantial exhibition at the ATypl conference in Hong Kong in 2012 Non-Latin Scripts A St Bride Foundation publication contains: An introduction to the Non-Latin collection by Paul Luna with Essays by Fiona Ross and Graham Shaw and an Afterword by John Berry. Edited by Fiona Ross and Vaibhav Singh
Non-Latin scripts From metal to digital type
St Bride Foundation "Non-Latin scripts from metal to digital type -
"Introduction: the Non-Latin Type Collection by Paul Luna" : Non-Latin scripts and printing technologies: triumphs and tribulations - essay by Graham Shaw
Selected exhibits from the Non-Latin Type Collection, University of Reading - essay by Fiona Ross
Softback, 21 x 14.5 cm, 153 pages with illustrations. Price £15.00 plus pp